What is Amalgamation.?

Q.58 What is Amalgamation.? Ans:-

  • The official code distribution is known as the amalgamation. The amalgamation is a single C source file that contains the entire SQLite core. It is created by assembling the individual development files into a single C source file that is almost 4 megabytes in size and over 100,000 lines long.
  • The amalgamation has two main advantages. First, with everything in one file, it is extremely easy to integrate SQLite into a host application. Many projects simply copy the amalgamation files into their own source directories. It is also possible to compile the SQLite core into a library and simply link the library into your application.Second, the amalgamation also helps improve performance. Many compiler optimizations are limited to a single translation unit. In C, that’s a single source file. By putting the whole library into a single file, a good optimizer can process the whole package at once.
  • When working with the amalgamation, there are four important source files:
  • sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h, are all that is needed to integrate SQLite into most applications.
  • The shell.c file contains the source code for the sqlite3 command-line shell. All of these files can be built on Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows, without any additional configuration file

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