Whait is Save-Points in SQLite

Q.70 Whait is Save-Points in SQLite.? Ans:-

  • SQLite also support save-point.
  • Savepoints allow you to mark specific points in the transaction. You can then accept or rollback to individual save-points without having to commit or rollback an entire transaction. Unlike transactions, you can have more than one save-point active at the same time.
  • Save-points are sometime called nested transaction.
  • You can create a save-point with the SAVEPOINT command.
  • Command : SAVEPOINT savepoint_name
  • Save-points act as a stack. Whenever you create a new one, it is put at the top of the stack. Save-point identifiers do not need to be unique. If the same save-point identifier is used more than once, the one nearest to the top of the stack is used.
  • To release a save-point and accept all of the proposed changes made since the savepoint was set, use the
  • RELEASE command:
  • RELEASE [SAVEPOINT] savepoint_name
  • To cancel a set of commands and undo everything back to where a save-point was set, use the ROLLBACK TO command:

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